- The Academy’s First International Workshop
- Tai Chi versus Zumba
- Suffolk Tai Chi workshop
- Tai Chi workshop at Mundon
- Beaming in on Black Notley
- Reminders
- Thought for the quarter
Wednesday 6th June 2018 was the 20th anniversary of the death of Moy Lin-shin. To mark this event, the Canadian Tai Chi Academy held a workshop and commemorative tribute to Mr Moy, to which Academy members from around the world were invited.
Six members of the Essex Tai Chi Academy made the trip to Toronto to take part in the event held from the 5th through to the 10th June. There were six from other UK Academies and many from across Canada. There were five days of workshops, in various locations. As well as tai chi there were sessions on lok hup, sword, sabre, chanting, meditation and stretching.
On the Saturday evening there was a Japanese buffet, followed by cake. Afterwards there were talks, photos, and memories from some of those who had known Mr Moy.
On the Sunday morning Mrs Kwan, a highly respected student of Mr Moy’s visited the workshop. She is in her 90’s but was able to talk about her experiences, through an interpreter, and demonstrate some of the things she has worked on over many years.
It was a great opportunity for tai-chiers to get together and express thanks for Mr Moy’s legacy; to meet old acquaintances and make new friends in the tai chi family. And of course to play lots of tai chi!
As you know, when you join the Academy we ask you to complete and sign an Application for Membership, providing us with your name, address, phone numbers, email address and date of birth. We also ask for relevant information regarding your health and a contact for emergency purposes. All the information provided is treated in the strictest of confidence.
On 25 May 2018, as a result of European legislation, the Government’s new GDPR comes into force regarding the collection and use of personal information. It involves stricter regulations and tougher fines for all organizations (including charities and the voluntary sector) for breach of the legislation.
In order to comply with the GDPR, we will be issuing a new form to all ETCA Members. It will ask you to confirm the information about you we hold, ask you to update it if necessary and advise you how we store, protect and use it; and also how we dispose of it in the event that you leave the Academy. You will be asked to sign two copies as consent.
Our Chairman will hold and use your personal details for the purposes stated. You should retain the second copy for your records. Please ask your Instructor if you have any questions or concerns.
Welcome all to our sixth Newsletter, this spring we shine the spotlight on Mundon.
In our first Newsletter of 2018, we take a look back at the founding of the academy, share memories, experiences and celebrations.
Welcome to our final Newsletter of 2017, this quarter we have collated the following content for your enjoyment…
We are delighted to announce that we will be starting a six-week Tai Chi introductory course for beginners on Thursdays at the Felsted Memorial Hall on the 12th October from 9.30 – 10.30am
Please visit the Felsted Classes page for more details.
Welcome all to our third Newsletter of 2017, this quarter we have the following topics for your perusal…