We are holding a Tai Chi event for Essex Academy members only on Sunday 15th June at Rickstones School in Witham, more details to follow.
We are holding a Tai Chi event for Essex Academy members only on Sunday 15th June at Rickstones School in Witham, more details to follow.
This year we are celebrating World Tai Chi Day at Holland-on-Sea, Clacton.
On Saturday 26th April 2025 we will meet at York Road Car Park, Holland-on-Sea, Clacton CO15 5NT at 9:30., see map below. From there we will go to the best location on the day, depending on weather and ground conditions, to be ready to commence the set at 10:00.
Please note parking on Kings Parade, on the seafront opposite York Road is free. There are toilets further along Kings Parade.
Although Clacton will be our main event there will be two smaller events, one at Danbury the other at Birchanger which you can attend if more convenient.
The Meeting Room St John the Baptist Church, Main Road, Danbury CM3 4NG
In spite of the overcast, damp ,cold weather, over 30 of us met a Maldon Promenade Park to perform a set at 10.00 a.m. for World Tai Chi Day. Although the ground was somewhat uneven in places we completed the set without any mishaps, just some shuffling of feet. The forecast rain showers held off. Afterwards a number of us went for coffee or in my case hot chocolate.
The Birchanger class, pictured, who were unable to join us at Maldon performed a set locally.
Birchanger Class
AGM Saturday 10th February 2024
About 88 people attended this year’s AGM. Promise of a busy interesting day.
For the AGM, seated on the Stage were Lisa Kay Chair. Judy Lee-Fenton Vice Chair, Marin Bishop Treasurer and Cait Goddard Membership/ Minutes Secretary.
Rest of the attending Instructors and Assistants were seated in the front row.
Well, after the official business was complete the day kicked off with coffee then with members divided into two halves the 108 Tai Chi set was successfully done by each half.
The day continued with the customary Chinese take-away from Lian. A visit from a New Year Dragon, which gave us pleasure and amusement, with a dance to the rhythm of the drums.
Followed up by demonstrations of all the forms that our Academy teach, Lok Hup, Sword, Sabre, Fan, Yi Yin Jing and Qigong. Plus another two sets of Tai Chi.
As the clock struck ten, well Lisa’s phone told her it was, we all bowed and the set to mark World Tai Chi Day began. The sun was shining so 38 of us were able to do an enjoyable set outside. During the morning we also did two more sets along with some Chi Gong exercises. After tea break we were also treated to a demonstration by a number of our members who are independently learning the fan set. This was greatly appreciated, our thanks to them.
The venue for the event, Rivenhall Golf Centre at Witham , was ideal for our Tai Chi and for the buffet lunch that those of us who stayed for it enjoyed. A very enjoyable day.
Many thanks to all those members that helped make the day a success and especially Lorrie as the main organiser. Also thanks to of those of you that came to do the set.
Updated August 2023
Following on from our successful workshops for current academy members, we’re planning more:
Saturday October 21st 2023
Saturday January 20th 2024
Saturday April 20th 2024
Saturday July20th July 2024
Saturday 19th October 2o24
At 10.00 on Saturday 25th April, we were due to meet at Great Totham to celebrate with a Tai Chi set, along with Tai Chi’ers around the world. However as this year, we are subject to social distancing, plans had to be altered and members marked the occasion in their own homes and gardens.
We’ll make up for it next year!!
Here’s some pictures.
To celebrate, World Tai Chi Day, please come along on Saturday 25th April 9.30-12.30. Great Totham Village Hall, Maldon Road, Great Totham CM9 8NH Set to take place at 10.00 on the green outside.
Lunch after at the Bull Pub opposite, Subsidised , £5 to members.
A date for your diary, the AGM will be held on Saturday 25th January,
10:00hrs until 13:00hrs at Flitch Green School,
Flitch Green School, Tanton Road, Little Dunmow, CM6 3GG
Bring a dish for a sharing lunch, those that will not be able to attend please inform a Forum Member
Shropshire Tai Chi Academy
Invites you to a 3 – day Lok Hup workshop led by
Doug Overholt And Susan Carson
On Friday 16th Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th August 2019
At Rushbury Village Hall, Wall under Heywood, SY6 7DX,
For more information and expressions of interest please contact your regular instructor or Jo Lendon tel. 01743 369787 email: jolendon@gmail.com